Brand new version of Online Exam Maker

Hello to all of our dear customer, we are very glad to let’s you know, we have upgrade Online Exam Maker to a brand new version, with much more important features, I will list below.

  1. Much more user friendly website, more beautiful, hope you like it.
  2. Much more stable testing. In the past system, it can not afford to much more than thousands of candidates take exam online, now, Online Exam Maker can support up to 10000 candidates take exam at same time.
  3. More fast opening time. We have now enabled CDN for our static files and user’s images, now the exam page will load more fast.
  4. More features, such as 3 more question type, more powerful candidate’s back-end, more powerful questions manage etc. we will show you continuously.


Now, please take a try, have fun.