FAQ – User Manual

What are the ways to prevent cheating?

The ways to prevent cheating:

1.  Invigilation by camera. Cameras can capture photos when invigilating the exam to prevent others from replacing.

2. Limit the times of switching screen. If the number of screen switches is reached, the exam will be handed in automatically.

3. Randomly choose the questions, the exam questions and orders of each candidate are different.

4. It is forbidden to copy the exam questions on the exam interface.

5. The test questions are random and the order of answer options is random.

6. Limit the answer time for each question. The system will enter next question automatically when the answer time is over.

7. Can not return the last question to change the answer.

8. Set to automatically skip questions.

9. A more powerful anti-cheating method — face recognition, please contact customer service staff to buy a face recognition package.

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